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26. Juni 2024 Kommentare deaktiviert für How the Drop of Running Shoes Influences Our Running Technique Knowlege

How the Drop of Running Shoes Influences Our Running Technique

Running Shoes with Drop or Zero Drop

The drop of a running shoe is a critical factor that can make all the difference in a runner’s performance and comfort. This feature directly influences how the foot strikes the ground and pushes off, affecting the biomechanics of the stride and the type of support the shoe provides. When choosing the right pair of shoes, it is essential to understand how this factor interacts with the anatomy of the foot and running style to optimize both efficiency and injury prevention.

What is the Drop of a Running Shoe?

The term „drop“ refers to the height difference between the heel and the forefoot of a shoe. If custom insoles are used, it is crucial to consider whether they also have a higher area at the heel than at the forefoot, as this must be added to the sole’s drop.

The height of the drop in running shoes typically ranges between 0-2 mm for minimalist shoes and 12 mm for traditional (cushioned) shoes. As with many other factors in running, it is incorrect to think that one option is generally better or worse than the other. The recommendation of which drop to choose depends on many individual factors.

The Effects of Drop on Running Technique

The drop of a running shoe can significantly influence running technique. Generally, a lower drop reduces heel impact on the ground. This leads to a more midfoot or even forefoot landing with very low models.

While this may seem beneficial, it requires a well-trained posterior muscle chain of the leg (Achilles tendon, calves, soleus, and hamstrings). This helps prevent overuse and muscle fiber tears.

It is crucial to focus on two main aspects: improving elasticity and strength. If only strength is trained, a powerful posterior muscle chain of the leg without proper stretching can lead to shortening of these structures, favoring muscle injuries. A balanced muscle ratio is also important – strong hamstrings are of little use if the quadriceps are weak.

The Impact of Drop on Muscles

A reduced drop increases tension in the posterior leg muscles because they cannot immediately adapt to the new load but initially tense more. Therefore, it is important to accompany the transition to a lower drop with a correct stretching program.

This is similar to a woman who has worn high heels for years suddenly switching to flat shoes. Her calves and lower back are likely to start hurting because her muscles were not prepared for such an abrupt change.

Which Drop Should You Choose?

My advice would be to be cautious if you have been running with a certain drop for years and are considering a change. A good way to determine if the change is beneficial is to perform some training sessions with a slightly lower drop. Your sensations are crucial in understanding if this benefits you.

Regardless of whether you lower the drop or not, do not underestimate the importance of stretching. A balanced ratio between strength training and stretching is essential to avoid injuries.


No one knows your body’s sensations better than you do. Listen to your body after any change in footwear or training habits and stick with what feels best. Remember, most of us do not run to compete but to feel good. Injury prevention is therefore more important than anything else.

As in life, the fastest way is rarely the best advice. I encourage you to try how a lower drop feels and gradually adjust your running technique. Understand that this is not a short journey and requires a long, gradual adaptation. Your body will tell you how it tolerates it. You will not become a better or worse runner because of a certain drop – the most important thing is that you feel good and enjoy running.

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